Monday, March 22, 2010

So lemme catch you up...

Thank you lovely bloggers for my comments about the toxic person.  I have since filled in the BFF since she is home from the honeymoon, and she has offer to kick his butt should he choose to come near me again.  I'm sure most of you would do the same.

Now what you have all been waiting for the update on my fabulous life...

Friday Afternoon - I clean the apartment for Liz and Ross, I did a great service.  And J. ended the silent treatment with a few text msgs.  THIS is prior to him hearing 'Patti has a date" so at least I know the competition isn't what drove him back.

Friday Night - Date night - average - good time, nothing monumental.  it was rather normal.  I could nitpick it to death, but that would be counter productive.  he is not letting up though.  There is no silent treatment on this front.

Saturday Morning - parade set up and some drinking
Saturday Afternoon - parade and some more drinking, and one trip to the bathroom where my skirt might have gotten tangled up in the back, but caught before anyone else could see...
Saturday Evening - crawfish and some more drinking

At some point into the evening I was dubbed 'the lady of St. Piere'...which St.Pierre was promptly googled and discovered to be a city in Newfoundland.

Saturday Night - Abandon drinking and just attempt to stay awake long enough that J may make an appearance.  Did not occur, but I shall survive.  As I did in the surprise monsoon I walked 3 blocks in.

Sunday - Awake in enough time to shower, teach ACT class, see some SNOW, and then write lesson plans.

Monday - was school, and more school, and some random time killing on the internet, and not a lot of homework.  I may be screwed come Wednesday night, when I have to produce a lot of things in no time at all.

The most important product of Monday - a message asking if I want to meet the sister.  The sister who is also a teacher, the one who had the nephew that I hear a billion things about, the one that I have to impress.  Oh good lord, save me now.  Now contact for seven days, and now I'm meeting the sister...Does that mean you like me?  You really like me?

With that I leave you my newest worry and hope - at least for the next 24 hours.

1 comment:

  1. Well you have been quite busy since the last time I visited. Meeting the sister, a little nerve racking, but she's souther right? All souther people are nice lol. If it fails always talk more about teaching, the same thing both of you have in common. I'm sure she will like you :)
