Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Can Almonds go stale?

Oh and I saw Toy Story 3 with the brother - and yes, I cried.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Where have I been?

I just a ate a bologna sandwich - why cause its Monday and in Camp Land thats what you eat for Monday's lunch.

I miss camp land - I was in the woods - doing my camp thing
Spending fabulous time with people like this

Now I truly did what J-man said to do - go to a place where there is love for one another.  Now I need Baby Sidney to come on Thursday for more love.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I have this stuck in my head and its the wee hours of the morning....

So I got my car back - with the 15% off coupon, $1700+ - grrrrr - Anyway a new riend is in the group fold. Carly teacher friend from school has joined the crew seamlessly!

On the otherhand, I can tell my mom is excited about my new Posh job - cause she's spent boo-coos on new clothes for me 'for school' these last few days. And tonight my dad hand me money for no reason at all. Even at 28 I'm spoiled rotten.

Thanks Mom and Dad, Love you

Friday, June 4, 2010

Hello Summer

Car in for service today - $1500 dollars later - whatttt?

Apparently with the brakes, radiator, axle leek and regular 60,000 maintenance - there goes my fun times for a couple of months.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

So what if I did...

I was jumping up and down on the is my assistant's last day.  Yehaw!  I can't believe for how long I have been counting down until June 3rd and now it is almost here.

Yesterday was not with out its drama as everyday at that place has to have something.  To put it mildly, why would i try to steal from a place I dislike so much?  That last thing I want to do is give them more fuel to be in touch with me.

Anywho - I'm going to lay out by the pool today on my lunch break and buy myself a survival present this afternoon.

Besides I already have a phone date with NYC teacher friend for tomorrow about 4 so we can drink together a thousand miles away.  As he's celebrating the end of full classes.